It's not so much: "Who you gonna call!"
It's HOW are you gonna call for help or communicate during a disaster. Ham licensing classes: Contact El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club
During an emergency of any kind (9/11, the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, the Hurricane Katrina disaster), normal means of communication failed. All land lines were busy and cell phone communication was impossible.
Ham radios are excellent communications devices in emergencies (as long as the broadcasting towers are standing). Ham operators can help the Incident Commander in keeping track of rescue operations and allow communications between the rescue teams. We currently have several operators, but we need hams for all of our operations.
The study program is simple, and with daily study times of just half an hour for two or three weeks, should allow people to easily pass the "technician" test. Later on, hams may want to learn Morse code and pass the next level of test, but what we need requires just the basic technician license. Please contact us if we can help you facilitate your licensing process.
- Books for the class are Gordon West Technician Class Book. Price of the books are $18.95,
- These books may be purchased at, look at the products catalog.
- The course will take about 3-6 weeks in which we will go through the book to get us ready for the test.
- Practice test sites: and and Look for the Technician Class test.
- If you want to enroll in a future class, please send your information to us and we'll put you on the list
During an emergency of any kind (9/11, the Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, the Hurricane Katrina disaster), normal means of communication failed. All land lines were busy and cell phone communication was impossible.
Ham radios are excellent communications devices in emergencies (as long as the broadcasting towers are standing). Ham operators can help the Incident Commander in keeping track of rescue operations and allow communications between the rescue teams. We currently have several operators, but we need hams for all of our operations.
The study program is simple, and with daily study times of just half an hour for two or three weeks, should allow people to easily pass the "technician" test. Later on, hams may want to learn Morse code and pass the next level of test, but what we need requires just the basic technician license. Please contact us if we can help you facilitate your licensing process.
Sclar Band Plan and frequencies list
El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club
Check out their August 2012 newsletter--Great information on the efficacy of the 6 meter band